
14 06, 2019

Business Website vs Social Media

2019-06-14T19:29:21+01:00business, Design, social media|0 Comments

Website vs social media? Many people might be wondering why they need a website if they already run successful social media accounts on such popular platforms as Facebook or Instagram. That is a valid question. I will try to give you just a handful of reasons, which might or might [...]

14 02, 2019

Where to get free images for your website and how to protect yours?

2019-09-26T12:50:47+01:00business, Copyright, Design, Photo, Wordpress|0 Comments

Copyright is a very serious issue, which should never be neglected. Let’s speak about two scenarios. You are building a website and to make it looking nice and dynamic you want to fill it in with various images you have found online. There are billions of amazing photos, so [...]

11 10, 2018

Why Your Business Needs a Website

2019-05-01T15:52:54+01:00business, Design, Wordpress|0 Comments

Whether or not your business needs a website is almost a rhetorical question as almost everyone knows the answer. Nowadays majority of the companies have their own website. However some  businesses still heavily rely on social media. Let's imagine you have a shop which sells jewellery via your Instagram or [...]

27 06, 2018

9 reasons why we choose WordPress

2018-12-05T16:22:44+00:00Design, Security, SEO, Wordpress|0 Comments

Today we are going to talk about reasons to choose WordPress. For a start: WordPress is one of the most popular CMS right now and 25% of worldwide websites are using it. It is one of the best content managers existing nowadays as it helps us to create, edit and [...]

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